Atlanta’s Premier Guitar Instructor!
Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 By Reuben- Dec 21, 2009
“So there you are, if you are reading Jimmy’s reviews, you are probably somewhere between having your eyes glazed over in Guitar Center trying to figure out where to begin, or an accomplished guitar player just reaching for the next plateau. Exhale, relax, you have found your next guitar instructor. As you look through Jimmy’s reviews, you will find a lot of happy students. Why? The students writing these reviews, including me, have greatly benefited from Jimmy’s guitar curriculum developed over 20 years of teaching and performing live. Jimmy is the real deal, a true guitar instructor’s instructor. Students are immediately immersed in Jimmy’s training program which is easy to understand for both beginners and those of you aspiring to be the next Jimi Hendrix. Hey, you made the decision to learn guitar. By definition you are going to be spending a significant portion of your time practicing. And that is where Jimmy separates himself from other teachers; he is able to weave together lesson programs, tricks of the trade only true performing artists understand, and make the experience a lot of fun. And that is, in the end, what is important. So do yourself a favor, flip through the other reviews, see all the positive responses, and come down to Jimmy’s school and jump into guitar!” RC